As an example if your dog weighs 150 pounds buy the 89 to 132 pound box plus the 5 to 22 pound box.
Frontline combo for dogs how often.
It s an area he can t reach and lick the residue.
However if your dog weighs more than 132 pounds you ll need to combine products to get the correct dosage.
That s been an effective dose.
I have 35 pound dogs.
Hi on the 4th october we gave my dog one pipette of frontline combo 20 40kg dog size as she did have fleas they seem to have gone now luckily but im not sure when i should give her another pipette of it i cant see anywhere on the packet that says when she should have another as obviously i dont want her picking any up if there are any eggs still in the house though i have sprayed.
You may not have ninja stars but you do have a powerful tool that starts working.
No idea why that is.
How does frontline plus kill fleas and ticks.
Most often frontline and its variation frontline combo are available in polyethylene pipettes with different dosages.
95 of fleas are in the housing environment under the form of eggs larvas and cocoons nested in mats carpets and pillows.
Frontline is a cocktail of a variety of chemicals designed for a variety of purposes.
Frontline plus is available over the counter but you should ask your veterinarian about the recommended application time period for your part of the country.
Frontline combo kills adult fleas within 24 hours following their arrival on your animal.
For easy and convenient treatment frontline plus for dogs is available in sizes for small dogs and puppies 8 weeks or older and up to 22 lbs medium dogs 23 44 lbs large dogs 45 88 lbs and extra large dogs 89 132 lbs.
Frontline plus has 2 secret weapons.
Fleas eggs and larvas thanks to its formula enriched in igr your animal s living places are reservoirs for fleas.
Check out this video to see how to apply frontline plus for dog cat s.
When and where fleas are most active it needs to be applied about every 30 days but during the winter especially if your dog is mostly indoors isn t getting bathed every month and you have actually cold winters one could wait up to 60 days to apply it.
For more tips from our veterinary co author including how to know if your dog is old enough for frontline plus keep reading.
Once frontline plus is applied this combo stores itself in the oil glands in your pet s skin.
I buy one applicator of frontline that is the size for large dogs and i use it on 3 or 4 of my dogs i put no more than 3 drops of the stuff on each dog.
You may not have a sword or nin ja stars but you do have a powerful tool that starts working after 1 easy application.
This remedy is also used for preventive purposes.
The necessary amount of the drug is selected in accordance with the weight of the dog.
Check out this video to see how to apply frontline plus for dog cat s.